Go-Busters 47 & Wizard 19: Fighting chickens and eating phantoms. Sounds a little backwards written down, doesn’t it?

Alright, we’ve got this week’s new episodes of Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters and Kamen Rider Wizard, and they’re both surprising dozies. For Go-Busters, it seems Enter has found a way to make back-ups for back-ups, and while the Busters are trying to figure out where these back-ups could be, Enter has both found a way to make MetaRoids from life forms, and they’ve finally keyed in on Himoru’s weakness. Can they finally get Hiromu over his fear of chickens, or will they figure out a workaround? And on Wizard, it looks like the new Kamen Rider Beast could use a few lessons on how to be a wizard, all while trying to protect the newest Gate from being consumed by despair. We also get to see the debut of Wizard’s Ground Dragon form. And if any of that excites you, you can check it all out below!:

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Mission 47 RAW:

Mission 47 SUB:

Kamen Rider Wizard Ep.19 RAW:

Wizard Ep.19 SUB:

And next week, we’ll get “final” standoff between Hiromu and Enter, and we’ll get to see more of the forces working behind the scenesĀ in Wizard’s world. Be sure to come back and check that out!

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Go-Busters and Wizard Catch-Up: We’ve got a lion, and a show that feels like it should already be over…

Well then, I know you’ve all been missing your weekly dose of Sentais and Riders, so I’ve got two weeks worth! We’ve got Go-Busters Missions 45-46, as we watch while they try to establish post-Messiah lives for themselves, only to realize the fight’s not over yet, and we’ve got Wizard episodes 17-18, where we get to meet Kamen Rider Beast, and figure out his deal (spoiler alert: he’s really into mayonaisse, and I mean really into it). You can check all of that out below!

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Mission 45 RAW:

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Mission 46 RAW:

Go-Busters Mission 46 SUB:

Kamen Rider Wizard Ep.17 RAW:

Wizard Ep.17 SUB:

Wizard Ep.18 SUB:

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Go-Busters Mission 42 & Wizard Ep.14 RAW: So a Zeta-Type and a Wiseman walk into a bar…

Well, I think we all knew I ran out of clever titles a long time ago. Anyway, we’ve gotĀ Tokumei SentaiĀ Go-Busters Mission 42 and Kamen Rider Wizard Ep.14, and both have villanous debuts this week. For Go-Busters,Ā we’ve got the new and deadly Zeta-type Megazord, piloted by Escape, and for Wizard, we get our first glance of Wiseman in his Phantom form.Ā I can feel chills going downĀ my spine already! Anyway, you can check both of those episodes out below!:

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Mission 42 RAW:

Go-Busters Mission 42 SUB:

Kamen Rider Wizard Ep. 14 RAW:

Wizard Ep.14 SUB:

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Wizard Ep.13 & Go-Busters Mission 41 RAW & SUB

Well,Ā here we are again. We’ve got Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Mission 41Ā and Kamen Rider Wizard Ep.13, and we’ve got raws and subs for both! You can check out both episodes below!:

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Mission 41 RAW:

Tokumei Sentai GoBusters 41 RAW by SuperHeroTimeFan

Mission 41 SUB:

Kamen Rider Wizard Ep.13 RAW:

Wizard Ep.13 SUB:

And next week… Oh, I can’t remeber, I’ve been busy looking over the newely released images for the next Sentai series, Juuden Sentai Kyoryuger! More on that soon!

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

SuperHeroTime Weekly Round-Up and Catch-Up!

Hey, sorry about posting last week’s videos super-late, but here’s last week’s episode of Kamen Rider Wizard, along with this week’s and this week’s new Go-Busters! Check it all out below!

Kamen Rider Wizard Ep.11 SUB:

Kamen Rider Wizard Ep.12 RAW:

Wizard Ep.12 SUB:

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Mission 40 RAW:

Go-busters Mission 40 SUB:

Subs for the new stuff when available!

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Mission 38 RAW & SUB: Knockdown Dragout Robot Brawl!

We could all use a little Giant Robot Ring Fighting from time-to-time. And this week’s episode has no shortage of that! After responding to a MegaZord arrival, Hiromu/RedBuster and Nick in Ace get pulled into a dome arena, and find themselves in a mismatched fight against FOUR MegaZords, while the other Busters have seemingly no way to bust in to the dome to bust up the fight! Will Hiromu and Nick be able to withstand the onslaught long enough to figure out a way to bust out? Or will the other figure out how to bust in first? And have I managed to overuse the word “bust” yet? You can decide that for yourselves while you watch the episode below! BUST! BUST! BUST!:

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Mission 38 RAW:

rgobus38 by ikkyuu1

Mission 38 SUB:

And the action continues next week, when Vagras decides to go after one kickass little dude! See you then!

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Kamen Rider Wizard Ep.10 RAW & SUB: Police Interference?

Finally, we have a new episode of Kamen Rider Wizard! And this one’s a doozey. This week, the Phantoms target a Gate whose older brother is the Inspector that’s been looking into Wizard’s case. And it seems that this Inspector has been more involved than he cares to admit, after he brings in Wajima and then tries to force him to work on a Green Magic Stone he mysteriously came across. Just how involved is the Inspector in this case? Are the Phantoms real target his little brother? And what would have caused them to grow apart? Check out the episode below to find out!:

Kamen Rider Wizard Ep.10 RAW:

Ep.10 SUB:

And next week, we dive deeper into the brothers’ troubles, and get to witness the debut of Wizard Hurricane Dragon! See you then!

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Mission 37 SUB: It’s the fake wedding episode!

Yeah! They have to have a wedding-oriented episode in Sentai everyso often, and now it’s Yoko’s turn to pretend to go down the aisle. After recieving an invitation to her old teacher’s wedding (who also happened to be her first crush), Escape finds the newest Messianic MetaRoid, TiaraRoid, and starts targeting weddings! So, in order to stop them, the Busters set up a trap using the venue for her teacher’s wedding, and the teacher?! And it looks like Escape has a new surprise up her sleeve… Can the Go-Busters stand up to it? Check out the episode below to find out!:

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Mission 37 SUB:

Alright in case you were wondering, no, no Wizard this week, for reasons unknown. But great fake wedding, huh? Alright, see you next week.

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Kamen Rider X Super Sentai: Superhero Taisen RAW &SUB

It’s finally here! The Blockbuster Superhero movie we’ve allĀ been waiting for (well, I should say the other Superhero blockbuster most of us have been waiting for)Ā is finally out! It’s Kamen Rider X Super Sentai Super Hero Taisen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In this movie to end all movies, Captain Marvelous/GokaiRedĀ and Kadoya Tsukasa/Kamen Rider Decade, are now both the leaders of the newly-risen DaiZangyack and DaiShocker, respectively, and have declared all out war against each other, and against every other Rider and Ranger in existence! What led to this strange event? Can anyone stop them before they wipeout every major Superhero in the other’s world? And why can’t this movie be available outside of Japan?!! Answer these questions for yourself by checking out the full movie below!:

Kamen Rider X Super Sentai Super Hero Taisen RAW:


My official review of this movie (pre-subs): I can barely understand any of it, but that didn’t stop it from being Avengers-level AWESOME! Seriously, watch this NOW!

Post-subs review: Still Avengers-level awesome, though the background story felt a little rough. But still, if you haven’t seen it yet, go watch it right now!

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Kamen Rider Wizard Ep.9 RAW & SUB: Dragon Vs. Phoenix

Sound like a match-up from a fighter game. Anyway, this week, after defeating Wizard and putting Mikiko in the hospital, Phoenix goes after Hiroki’s father, who is narrowly saved by a now drained for powerĀ Wizard. With both of the boy’s parents in the the HCU, and the boy growing ever closer to total despair, it looks like this fight will come down to a new Ring made from the Red Stone sent from the White Wizard, a Ring with the power to tap into the Power of the Dragon locked within himself. Will it be enough to fight off Phoenix? Check out the episode below to find out!:

Kamen Rider Wizard Ep.9 RAW:

Kamen Rider Wizard Ep.9 SUB:

Yay, he blew him up! Boo, he came back! Well, he is a Phoenix afterĀ all.

-M.C., the Quantum Twin