Power Rangers Samurai: Heads or Tails

As anyone should know by now, back in May of this year Saban bought back the rights to Power Rangers from Disney(the soul-sucking giant that has slowly been ruining the franchise for the last seven years) and formed a partnership with Nickelodeon to show new episodes on nick and nicktoons sometime between the end of this year and spring of next year. With this, we will finally have an adaptation of Shinkenger starting sometime next year, and while this is good news, there are also some drawbacks to this as well. Here’s what I see as some possible positive and negative things about this:


  1. Power Rangers keeps existing as a franchise, back under the guidance of the people who originally created the show.
  2. We finally get to see if it is possible to Americanize Shinkenger successfully
  3. New Toys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. It won’t be on ABC or Disney!


  1. Nick is owned by Viacom, so it will be near impossible to watch new episodes on YouTube. 😦
  2. There is a slim chance that it could suck in comparison to Shinkenger
  3. By the time the show finally airs, it will officially be two seasons behind Super Sentai , which works for them but come on, who wants to wait that long?!
  4. Despite the fact that the show is samurai-themed, they insisted on having a caucasian red ranger( this could have been the year of the asian red ranger).

And on top of all of this, there are still alot of beople who still don’t know about this. The shows popularity and overall success could come down to a flip of the coin. So take your pick: Heads, or Tails?

-M.C., the quantum twin

UPDATE: According to the official Power Rangers website, and some recent commercials on Nick, Power Rangers Samurai will premiere Monday, February 7th, 8 pm ET! Yay, Samurai! Boo, Mondays! (Seriously, whose idea was that?)

Ore… Sanjou!

Hello world, its a pleasure to meet you. You may refer to me as HenshinHead. I am a being from an alternate dimension that some have refered to as the Tokuverse. Where I come from, the Earth is litered with tokusatsu-style superheroes, and I am one of them. I am able to enter into this dimension by trading places with my quantum twin who lives here. Together we will report on the tokusatsu of your world, along with harrowing tales from mine. We might not post as often as other bloggers, but our posts will be epic. I must return to my universe now, but I will return very soon. In the mean time, my quantum twin will be here to answer any questions and respond to any comments you may have. Until next time.