Kamen Rider Fourze Ep.26 SUBBED: Ah, Prom Night. It never ends well.

Well, took long enough. It’s Kamen Rider Fourze Ep.26 subbed. And this time, with prom and graduation coming up, Yayoi/Coma Zodiarts, has stepped up her attacks in order to stop grafuating, so that she doesn’t have to leave(!), and the two graduating members of the KRC are dealing with leaving AGHS and the special last dance at the prom. Can high school life get any harder? Check out the episode below:

Did you really think they would just send those characters off halfway through the series? Come on. And BTW for anyone whose ever actually been to a prom, it’s not that big a deal. Just a slightly more upscale version of the same freakin’ dances they do all the time, with everyone in overpriced formalwear and usually heldĀ atĀ some ritzy place the school always complains they can barely afford to host it at.

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Tokumei Sentai Go-Buster Ep.3 SUBBED: Okay, we get it, your not just some little girl.

Hey, I know this is a little late, but some of you might not have seen it yet, so here it is! It’s Tokumei Sentai Go-Buster Mission 3 subbed. And this time, Vargas has invaded a hospital, and are slowly draining their Enetron supplies. While fighting against te new Needleroid and trying to protect the hospital patients and staff, Yoko and Hiromu are butting heads over Hiromu’s blunt comments. Can they get past there differences long enough to complete the mission? Check out the episode below to find out!:

Tokumei Sentai Go-Buster Ep.3 Subbed

Sorry, just a video link this week.

Anyway, next week, it looks like we’ll be exploring Ryuji’s and Hiromu’s friendship, so look forward to that. And seriously, when the [bleep] are they going to introduce GobusterOh?

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Go-Kaiger Vs. Gavan THE MOVIE Subbed: So… AWESOME! And a wee bit shiny! ;)

Wow, this movie came out a lot sooner than expected, and that’s a good thing. It’s Kaizoku Sentai Go-Kaiger VS. Uchuu Keiji Gavan THE MOVIE subbed! In this, the Go-Kaigers encounter the famous Space Sheriff, only to be arrested(!). But they soon discover that it was all part of a ploy to expose a Zangyack infiltration into the Space Police, led by Ashrada, relative of Makuu Space Mafia Boss Don Horror, who has plans of his own. Using Gavan Bootleg (the unholy combination of Zangyack and Space Police technology), Ashrada drags Gavan into Makuu Space, locking him up in Makuu Prison, the worst prison in the Universe. Now it’s up to the Go-Kaigers to rescue Gavan and stop Ashrada before he consumes the world into Makuu Space. Can they pull off this daring rescue and save the Earth in time? Check out the movie below to find out!:

Well, there might not have been a gigantic number of stuntmen in spandex costumes, but it was still COMPLETELY AWESOME!

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Two words: Cheetah. Robot.
Aww yeah!

Tokumei Sentai Go-Buster Ep.2 SUBBED: Promises, promises…

It’s time for a new mission! It’sĀ Tokumei Sentai Go-Buster Ep.2 subbed, and this time we get to learn a little more about the Go-Busters, including how they got there powers, there weaknesses, and how Vargas came to be there enemy, all the while dealing with the new Burneroid. Can they handle themselves as a whole team> Check out the episode below to find out!:

Well, two episodes in, and there’s already a love/hate relationship in the works. I wonder how this will play out?

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Kamen Rider Fourze Ep.25 SUBBED: Prom woes, and Retro Zodiarts?

Alright, we’ve got Kamen Rider Fourze Ep.25 subbed, and this time, we find ourselves on the eve of Amanogawa High’s Graduation andĀ Prom, when three already-beatenĀ Zodiarts show up and start wreaking havoc again. And while Shun is struck with Prom date blues, it seems Miu is dealing with some Graduation blues (at least that’s the vibe I’m getting). So what’s got Miu so upset? And what’s really behind these new attacks? Check out the episode below to find out!:

So this week’s Zodiarts is a hair-themed constellation? I’m with JK on this one.

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Get a chance to preview Transformers: The Ride – 3D at Universal Studios Hollywood!

Attention Transformer fans! This is your chance to ride the new Transformers Ride at Universal Studios in Hollywood and get a free trip to the park (most expenses paid (note: I’m not a representative of Universal, just thought this would be cool to share)) by following this linkĀ and signing up as a “recruit” for N.E.S.T.,Ā preparing for the biggest battle against the Decepticons yet. And from everything I’ve seen about the ride through exclusive clips for it, it looks AWESOME. Yes, it’s based on the Michael Bay films, so that guarantees awesome graphics, but a shaky plot (ehh, it’s going to be a 2 minute long virtual ride, soĀ who cares?). There’s a ton of other prizes available, so go sign upĀ now for your shot at this exclusive preview. For full details, check out the main site at PrepareForBattle.com.

And yes, I’m trying to win the prize too, but I’m not nuch of a threat… yet….

(bwa ha ha!)