Kamen Rider Fourze Info and Pics


We are just weeks away from premiere of Kamen Rider Fourze, and everything you can think of about him has been coming out of the woodworks, including pics, info, and eve some confirmations of older rumors about Fourze. Prepare to takeoff!

Let’s start off with this!:

No, this isn’t old stock footage. This is from the upcoming series, and in many ways confirms two myths about the show: 1) That past Riders would appear heavily in this and future series, and 2) that the show would center around rumors of a “Kamen Rider urban legend”. What better way to start off a legend than with a legend!

Alright, now back to Fourze! As you know, Fourze has a series of “States” that he can transform into, and we have the stats on his Base State. Let’s see how he stacks up:

  • Height: 200cm
  • Weight: 95kg
  • Punch strength: 2.1t
  • Kick strength: 6.3t
  • Jump power: 20m in one jump
  • Speed:  100m in 6.2s
  • Special Attack: Rocket Drill Kick (Stratosphere Kick): 15t

Not bad rookie.

Alright, Fourze’s bike, as we know it, is called Machine Masshigler, but that’s just what Gentaro(Fourze) calls it. It’s official designation is “ORB-40F”. It runs on hydrogen, so it doesn’t release any CO2 into the atmosphere. Gotta like an environmentally-conscious Rider.

As you know, fourze’s power comes from the “Astro Switches”, which control his base states, the modules that he equips himself with, and the idiotic Foodroids that he uses. The Astro Switches themselves are powered by a mysterious “Cosmic Energy”, nothing is know about the energy other than that it comes from space. And we have some info on the first five confirmed Modules, or weapons, that he can equip himself with:

  • Fourze’s Module 1, the Rocket Module:
    A rocket is equipped on his right arm. By enabling the Exhaust Thruster, Fourze can add up another 4 t to his punches.
  • Fourze’s Module 2, the Launcher Module:
    He can shoot 5 missiles from his right leg.
  • Fourze’s Module 3, the Drill Module:
    It’s equipped on his left leg. It’s spins around 200 rpm.
  • Fourze’s Module 4, the Radar Module:
    By using this module, Fourze can give his Launcher Module homing missiles. He’s also able to reflect certain waves.
  • Fourze’s Module 5, the Magic Hand Module:
    The Magic Hand is equipped on his right hand, which gives him an extra 10 m reach. The end of the Magic Hand is called the “End Effect Pliers” which can lift up any object up to 6 t.

Of course, the Astro Switches aren’t the only things that are powered by the Cosmic Energy. So are the Zodiarts, Fourze’s main enemy. The Zodiarts use their own Zodiart Switches, and if a person had one of these Zodiart Switches, they would become a Zodiart. And yes, I know the whole gimmick-powered monster thing is cliché at this point, but what can you do? Anyway, the first two Zodiarts that Fourze is going up against are the Orion and Scorpio Zodiarts.

Here’s what we know storywise: Utahosi Kengo (far right) was given the FourzeDriver and 40 Astro Switches by his dying father, whose wish was for Kengo to fight the Zodiarts with it’s power. The only problem, though, is that Kengo’s body is very weak, and therefore cannot fight. He eventually ends up giving the belt to Gentaro (far left) after they meet. The heroine in this story, Joujima Yuki (in the middle next to Fourze), is Kengo’s classmate, and Gentaro’s childhood friend. She calls herself a “space nerd” and “Japan’s happiest schoolgirl”.

Here’s more random pics:

And here’s a handful of toy pics:

Hey, check that out. You can get the SP BuraKaWani Medal set, and it comes with Astro Switch 5, Magic Hand Module. Well played, Bandai. Well played.

Alright, that’s it for Fourze stuff at the moment. If anything else pops up, I’ll be sure to let you know.

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Go-Kaiger Ep.23 Screen Shots: Pirates, to the Rescue!

Here are some screen shots from the most recent episode of Go-Kaiger. This one is the GoGoV tribute episode, and GoPink is featured. Let’s get to the main event:

Yes, that is a man dressed as a woman. Basically, Navi predicted that they would meet someone important by helping people out, everyone split up to find people to help out, and Joe and Hakase ran into her, we’ll say, to give her back an earing she dropped. And then they couldn’t get rid of her. Marvelous and Gai found themselves stuck at some long flight of stairs helping old people climb up them (they just kept coming!), and Luka and Ahim came across a pregnant woman who went into labor just as a certain EMT/former Sentai heroine showed up.

But it wasn’t long before the Gormin showed up, without a leader(?).

Thet fight the Gormin as Fiveman and Magiranger, both of which are sibling teams. There’s a recurring “sisters” theme throughout the show. I’ll talk about that more a little farther down.

After the fight, Luka and Ahim headed to the hospital where the pregnant woman was taken, and found out that the woman that showed up to help was Tatsumi Matsuri, a famous EMT and former GoPink of GoGoV. They call everyone to tell them about this, Gai gives off a very enthusiastic (and somewhat vascular) salute upon hearing this, and they all agree to meet up. Unfortunately, everyone was still caught up in what they were already doing, so they’re stuck for a while.

And you can see what happened to Joe and Hakase.

Not a bad make-up job, really.

Later, when they’re trying to catch up with Matsuri, whose trying to help out a seriously injured young boy, Basco shows up demanding GoGoV‘s great power from Matsuri in exchange for letting the ambulance leave so that the injured boy could be treated.

Because she’s so dedicated to helping out others, she was willing to hand over the Grand Power, but Luka adamantly insisted that she needed to stay behind and help the boy. During this scene, she reveals (in a flashback I couldn’t find screen shots of) that she use to have a little sister, named Fia, who became gravely ill and died before Luka could take her to a doctor, and she talked about how powerless she was to help. Luka was even willing to stay behind and distract Basco by herself, so that the others could escape. But Ahim stepped in and insisted that they needed to fight together, to stop treating her like her surrogate little sister and to trust her to come up with a way out of it. And Luka trusted her to do so, so they came up with this:

This isn’t actually Matsuri in this picture (at least not according to what happened next):

That’s right, she used MagiPink’s magic to disguise herself as Matsuri, so that the ambulance could get through and the Grand Power could be safely kept away from Basco.

Now that’s some clever thinking. Of course, they’ll never be able to use that again, but still.

The ambulance might have been able to get away, but they were still stuck with Basco, not to mention Rio, Mele, and Zuban.

Oh no, what are they going to do?! Oh, right, it’s the GoGoV tribute episode!

It’s a very good update of the henshin sequence. For those of you expecting a Titanium Ranger cameo, I’m afraid you’ll be slightly disappointed. At this point, they fight the summoned senshi as GoGoV, while Go-KaiSilver goes into Gold Mode, and they finish them off with Final Wave and Go-Kai Legend Dream.

Oh, look, new RangerKeys. Oh, darn, the monkey got them.

And here’s what GoGoV’s Grand Power looks like (What’s unofficially being called by me as GoGo-KaiOh).

Yes, they’re water hoses. This new droid is a Fireroid.

Go-Kai Prominence! (That’s the name of the attack)

End of the show, everybody’s fine. Hooray!

And here’s some shots from next week’s episode:


WTF is that?!

Mini pics!


Next week, they change into Megaranger, Timeranger, and Hurricanger.

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Kamen Rider OOO x Kamen Rider Fourze Movie Wars Teaser

Alright, as you may or may not know, it was announced not too long ago that Kamen Rider OOO and Kamen Rider Fourze would have a movie war together, and a small teaser trailer for it has popped up. Let’s take a look:

Sorry it doesn’t reveal much. That’s why they’re called teaser trailers.

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Super Sentai Battle: Ranger Cross Trailer

The first full promotional trailer for the upcoming Super Sentai Wii game title Super Sentai Battle: Ranger Cross has been released. It features five sentais, including Go-Kaiger, Goseiger, Shinkenger, Go-Onger, and Goranger, in a Musou-style combat game where, like in the series, you have to fight the main monster on foot, and then finish them off in the team mecha! Let’s check out the trailer:

Not bad, not bad at all. And for having so many characters, they didn’t have to sacrifice too much in the way of character and gameplay resolution.

Super Sentai Battle: Ranger Cross will be available September 8th for 5800 yen.

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Saban Brands registers the name “Power Rider”: Not again! I’m not sure if I can take it this time….

Saban brands has registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office something called “Power Rider”. No confirmation on what it is of could be, but that hasn’t stopped any speculation about it. For those of you who might know, Saban Brands once claimed that they had licenced the footage from the Kamen Rider Decade/Shinkenger crossover special. So, is this another attempt at a Kamen Rider adaptation, of is this something else entirely?

For those of you who may know, Saban first attempted to adapt a Kamen Rider series way back in the mid-90’s, when the popularity of MMPR was very high and still climbing. Their first attempt was simply called “Masked Rider”, and was based off of footage from Kamen Rider Black RX, and some footage from Kamen Rider ZO. The series barely made it through it’s first season, inevitably failing due to the now-deceased “Power Rangers Stigma” (i.e., they tried to hard to copy the Power Rangers style of writing and storytelling, and it was evetually written off by viewers and critics).

Then years later (or two years ago depending on your perspective), Adness adapted Kamen Rider Ryuki under the name “Kamen Rider Dragon Knight”. While the series failed in the US (so much so that the last two episodes didn’t even air, and you had to go online to see them), it was very successful outside the US, especially in Japan.

And as a little something else to add to all of this, KRDK director Steve Wang mentioned at last year’s Power Morphicon that he would be interested in adapting either 555 or Kabuto, so who knows.

I’m not sure I really want to know at this point, every attempt at adapting a Kamen Rider series has failed, for one reason or another, despite Kamen Rider’s overwhelming success in other countries (besides Japan). I just don’t know if I could take another failure. We’ll just have to wait and see where this goes.

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Go-Kaiger Romance?: Are Ozawa Ryota and Ichimichi Mao dating?

I haven’t even started on the post, and already I feel like a sellout.

Anyway, there have been rumors spreading around the Japanese tabloid sites that Ozawa Ryota and Ichimichi Mao of Kaizoku Sentai Go-Kaiger might be dating each other. Here’s a grainy photo supposedly of the two kissing each other while on a date:

Here’s a translation of the online article where the picture was found:

“A picture of Ichimichi Mao & Ozawa Ryota on a date …holding hands together somewhere in some city was taken. They look lovey dovey together & from the looks of it, they look rather good together (from the writer’s perspective)!! holding hands tight & sticking close to each other, you can see what a pair of love birds they’re!!

The young couple look very cute together through the whole process (walk, shopping, whatever they’re doing back there). But that’s not all, instead just being lovey dovey, one thing i found very shocking personally, is the moment where they shared a passionate kiss when they were about to part… now with both Mao & Ryota both being in the spotlight, such a brazen display of their love is really shocking indeed!!

Ichimichi Mao & Ozawa Ryota seems to have became intimate due to acting together, but having already progressed to such a stage is something really unexpected & shocking!!

Although I’ll pay attention to their activities nonetheless from here on out, the progress of their is really some private thing I’d be interested about!!”

So, is this story a bunch of phoney baloney, or the first sentai actor romance since Jetman?  Personally, I DON’T CARE. I’m not even sure why I bothered to cover this, other than to appease and disappoint the Ichimichi Mao fanboys. You know, you try to convince yourself that your above this kind of crap, and then it pops up, and you find yourself powerless to avoid it.

Oh well, my soul to the highest bidder, I guess.

BTW, if you follow the link to the original article, do NOT click the link to the video. Trust me on this one.

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Kamen Rider OOO WONDERFUL Movie Scans: Ultimate Combo Charge!

From this new wave of scans, we’ve been able to see what’s coming up for all out favorite shows. First, we were able to see news about the show, and now we have some intel about the upcoming summer movie Kamen Rider OOO THE MOVIE: WONDERFUL, Shogun, and 21 Core Medals!:

Yes, that’s all of OOO’s combos coming together for one final blow against Gara in some kind of bird monster form. Now that I would like to see.

Here we have the city being turned upside down, Satonaka kicking butt and taking names, and OOO in a random combo.

And here we see OOO BuraKaWani fighting the Nue Yummy.

And here is Gara and her three main forms.

The movie premieres August 6th.

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

The Original Ultraseven Mask has been Stolen!

No jokes or clever titles this time. The original Ultraseven mask, which was used in the filming of the Ultraseven series, was stolen this week from the restaurant Joli Chapeau, which is located in Fujikawa, Kanagawa, and owned by Ultraseven star Moritsugu Kouji.

Moritsugu, who played Ultraseven and his alter-ego Dan Moroboshi, said, “The mask is the real thing, and it is my alter-ego. I want the mask returned immediately for the fans who visit my shop.”

Moritsugu last remebered seeing at the restaurant at closing time Sunday, June 24th. He returned on Monday, a day when the restaurant was closed, around noon, when he discover that the mask was missing from it’s shelf. The only thing remeinaing was it’s plastic container, which had been left on a nearby table. After making the discovery, Moritsugu immediately called the emergency phone line.

I don’t know what kind of low-life person would do such a thing, but I hope that they are caught soon! I’ll update you if any more news comes up about this.


-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Another Arrest of Kamen Rider OOO Uploader: What, this crap AGAIN? Seriously, people.

Two weeks ago, I brought your attention to three minors who had been arrested for allegedly uploading and storing episodes of various TV series, including one minor who uploaded three episodes of Kamen Rider OOO. Well, we now know of another arrest made for a similar “crime”.

Last Tuesday, police arrested a 47-year old male company worker from Tokyo on suspicion of recording and storing episodes of Kamen Rider OOO on the server of a foreign video-streaming website without the permission of the copyright holder. Thirteen items were confiscated from his home, including a personal computer and a Blu-Ray recorder.

According to the Association of Copyright for Computer Software, the suspect allegedly recorded the 1000th episode of the Kamen Rider franchise (OOO ep.27) and stored the video file on the server for FC2, a video-streaming website run by California-based FC2, Inc., around March 27th.

The suspect allegedly admitted the crime done, and said that he had been doing so since January of this year. He reportedly said that he saved those files onto the network in case his computer’s hard disk was damaged.

For anyone who read the first post from two weeks ago (to the day), you already know how I feel about this story. For now, I’m going to hold back on the long-winded rant. But that doesn’t mean that I’ve had a change of heart about this subject. Quite the opposite, in fact. This only confirms how idiotic and unfair these laws are, how pointless and unneccesary they are compared to other more important issues. Unless this guy was selling these Blu-Rays out of the back of a van, then there was no point in arresting him. That’s my opinion, whether you agree with it or not. If you want to hear more about it, click the link above that will take you to the first story.

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

Ultraman Saga release date confirmed

The release date for the third film in the Ultraman Zero trilogy, Ultraman Saga, has been confirmed. Sagae Hiroshi, popular for his special effects and minature model designs, confirmed through his Facebook page that the movie is slated to be released sometime around February 2012.

Sagae, who is currently working on the movie, will be providing the kaiju models for the stop-motion animation sequences.

He also confirmed that the director will be Oba Hideki, who directed Ultraman Zero vs. Darklops, and the special effects will be handled by Mike Toshio (no, not the English “Mike”, it’s mi:k), who worked as the production designer on “Heisei Gamura Series”.

-M.C., the Quantum Twin