Power Rangers Megaforce the next series title? Yep!

Recently, Saban Brands through Power Rangers LLC trademarked the title “Power Rangers Megaforce”, which, as you can imagine, has led a lot of people to speculate on whether or not this is in fact the title of the next Power Rangers series, a.k.a. the Goseiger adaption. Here’s a copy of the trademark:

I know it’s not very big, but you can still see that it doesn’t really mention anything in the copyright application about a live-action television series, but it does mention a truck load of merchandise, mostly video, computer and possibly app games, electronics cases, DVDs featuring live-action entertainment for kids, music, and eyewear/eyewear accesories. It sounds like the typical merchandise setup for a new series, only with no series confirmation, or any children’s toys for that matter.

So then, even with nothing confirming a new live-action series, do you think that this is unofficial confirmation for a new series, possibly the Goseiger adaption? Or do you believe that this is something else? Personally, I’m not sure what to think. The name itself is so unspecific that it could be applied to anything. For all we know, this could be something similar to the “Super Legends” line that came out in ’07 with PROO. Or maybe (and this is really wishful thinking) they could be working on their own version of Power Rangers Online, the MMORPG that was announced last month in South Korea. This is all speculation, of course, so we’ll just have to wait for confirmation from Saban.

And while the series name is still mystery, we do have some info on two ACTUAL casting sides for the next Ranger series. The casting sides for the Pink Ranger and the role of the Professor are available for download here, and it looks like from these casting sides that the series will return to it’s high-school-kids-turn-superheroes roots. Yeah, teenagers with attitude!

-M.C., the Quantum Twin

UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!: WE have official confirmation that this is the name of the next series! Check out the copyrights here:

Yep, it’s the application for tradmarks for a live-action television show! We now have a name, let’s see how long it is before we can see a face.

Author: M.F. Calhoun

I'm a writer and a blogger just trying have my voice heard in this crazy, shouting world!

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